Uzman Klinik Psikolog Hatice Büşra KARA 05557493919
A person's life is spent seeking satisfaction for
the instincts he has innate and socially acquired motives. Satisfied with
innate, natural instincts and impulses such as nutrition and protection, people
try to satisfy their spiritual-social needs such as attention, love, trust,
dignity, freedom, autonomy, productivity, creativity, and self-actualization.
By glorifying these motives, he finds his identity and personality and creates
himself. For most people, they have experiences and habits that make life
beautiful and happy. E.g; getting up in the morning, washing, dressing,
drinking tea, coffee; go to work, work, return home; have fun, eat, vacation. A
person's daily life is spent maintaining his habits. Some people try to
maintain these habits and some try to get rid of them.However, whether a person
is happy with his habits or not, he wants to go out of these patterns due to
his spiritual structure and seeks a different new life. This quest is a
necessary element for a person to gain the strength to live, to develop and
mature his personality, and to create himself. In some people, one of the habits starts to take
more place in daily life and becomes a priority. In order to maintain this
habit, other habits are given up. Preventing or not maintaining the habit leads
to unhappiness. This habit, which gives happiness to people, becomes harmful
when it reaches the dimensions that prevent the daily life and other activities
of the person. People's relations with society deteriorate, power, work
efficiency and success decrease.In spiritual life, psychological problems such
as anxiety, anxiety, insecurity, pessimism and fear increase, and physical and
physical complaints occur. When the measure of the activities done is missed,
it turns into a habit and affects people's life negatively. The habit of drugs and stimulants can give worse
and harmful results in a short time. These substances are primarily effective
on the central nervous system, change the mental life, emotion, thought and
movement of the person, and create a habit in a short and easy way due to their
chemical properties. For this reason, addiction is easily formed when the habit-forming
feature of such substances is added to the habit-forming tendency of people. There may be basic emotional dissatisfaction that
pushes people to such habits.In other words, the reason why a person who seeks
satisfaction gets stuck on a certain object, person or thought is because he or
she is overly emotionally invested in it. One of the underlying causes of
addictive behavior is the emotional world of the person. It can create pressure
and coercion on the will of the person and can direct the person to a certain
purpose. It gives a great value to the object, person or thought in his
spiritual life and becomes unable to use his will. Behaviors that have negative
effects on the person, the environment and the society and even harm them
occur. Addiction can have many different causes.
Psychological factors, the person's upbringing, traumatic events in childhood,
biological factors, personal characteristics, social environment and culture
are some of them. However, one of the reasons is that there are individuals who
use addictive substances around him and that he is introduced to them at a
young age. In the literature, addiction is defined as taking
a substance to achieve a certain effect, continuing to take the substance
despite the physical, mental or social problems that arise in this process, and
increasing the amount of the substance to achieve the same effect. According to Tarhan and Nurmedov; addiction is a
chronic disease that disrupts the structure and functions of the brain (Tarhan;
Nurmedov2011). The main thing in the
treatment of alcohol addiction is the willingness of the person. It is
necessary to know that addiction is a disease and to approach it in this way.
Addiction is a family disease. Therefore, there must be changes in the family.
Although families are supportive after the treatment is over, they should not
forget that this is a recurrent chronic disease. Slips may occur after the
treatment process is over. In this case, it is necessary to enter the treatment
process again. The family should support the addicted individual in changing
the social environment. REFERENCES Tarhan, N. ve Nurmedow, S., Bağımlılık: Sanal veya
Gerçek, İstanbul, Timaş Yayıncılık, 2011. Clinical
Psychologist Hatice Büşra KARA |
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